Fiducia Commercial Network Flourish At The Finance Professional Show

The Apprentice at The Finance Professional Show

The team headed to London’s Olympia on ‘build day’ for The Finance Professional Show with the ringing endorsements of their colleagues in their ears – “it’s idiot proof” and “it takes ten minutes – nothing can go wrong” the most memorable.

We didn’t get past the security desk before the first mistake was identified – “High vis?” asked the security guard in a high vis vest, surrounded by colleagues all also wearing high vis vests.

The Apprentice

We took 5 minutes remonstrating that we had double checked and were told these weren’t necessary anyway – though it was pointless obviously.

And so like a team from The Apprentice, we headed off at a ‘business jog’ pace towards Shepherds Bush confident the first shop we came across would sell high vis vests.

The fourth shop that we tried (an electrician) did sell them – but remembering the cringe I felt watching others try to haggle 50p off the cost of anything in an effort to be hired, we just paid and left at the same hurried pace.

Our resemblance to hapless candidates continued, much to the amusement of the stand next door, as we first erected our stand upside down – until we realised we then could attach the graphics to it and had to start to unscrew the feet again…


Well if build day was a comedy, then show day was a great success. 

This was a new stage for us having never exhibited at The Finance Professional Show previously – and a chance for us to roll out the new marketing collateral that we have invested in to reach new audiences and raise brand awareness for Fiducia Commercial Network.

The team met with prospective clients, existing clients and lending partners, as well as having the opportunity to network with professionals in our industry who might not yet be in a position to join us on our Appointed Representative commercial finance network.

They may have had commercial finance cases that they are looking to place and progress for their clients – and we will make the introductions to our group’s brokerage so that our colleagues can support them.

If I had to pick out one highlight at The FP Show, it would be the quality of the conversations that were there to be had for attendees. 

Many lenders brought an underwriter or two along with marketing and BDMs – and I heard of many conversations where individual cases were discussed – and no doubt are getting submitted on Monday morning!

We will be doing a lot more of these shows in 2024 – ‘putting ourselves out there’ as one of our clients calls it – but The FP Show 2024 will be in our plans again.

And the high vis jackets will be in our bag for build day.

Mark Grant, Managing Director – UK, Fiducia Commercial Network.