Invoice Finance

Commercial Finance Options

Invoice Finance Options For Network Members

Members of the Fiducia Commercial Network can provide clients with a range of invoice finance options.

Commercial invoice financing is also known as invoice factoring or accounts receivable financing.

It is a financing option that allows businesses to access immediate cash flow by selling their outstanding invoices to a finance company or lender.

It is a form of short-term borrowing that helps businesses bridge the gap between invoice issuance and customer payment.

Members of The Fiducia Commercial Network have unrivalled access to a whole of market list of lenders in the UK and across the world offering unparalleled lending options.

Here are some key features and considerations of commercial invoice finance:

1. Invoice Submission:

Businesses submit their unpaid invoices to the finance company, which then advances a percentage of the invoice value, typically ranging from 70% to 90%. The remaining percentage, known as the reserve, is held by the finance company until the customer pays the invoice.

2. Cash Flow Improvement:

By accessing a portion of the invoice value upfront, businesses can improve their cash flow and address immediate financial needs. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses with long payment terms or those experiencing seasonal fluctuations in cash flow.

3. Credit Control and Collections:

In commercial invoice finance, the finance company takes over the responsibility of credit control and collections. They manage the collection process, chasing payments from customers, and handling any disputes or issues that may arise. This can save businesses time and resources in managing their accounts receivable.

4. Funding Availability:

The amount of funding available through commercial invoice finance is typically based on the value and creditworthiness of the outstanding invoices. As businesses generate new invoices, they can continue to access funding by submitting them to the finance company.

5. Fees and Charges:

Finance companies charge fees for their services, which can include discount fees, service fees, or interest charges. These fees are typically based on factors such as the invoice value, the creditworthiness of the customers, and the duration of the financing arrangement. It is important for businesses to carefully review and understand the fee structure before entering into an invoice finance agreement.

6. Confidentiality Options:

Some finance companies offer confidential invoice finance, where the arrangement remains undisclosed to the customers. This allows businesses to maintain their existing relationships with customers without revealing their use of invoice finance.

7. Eligibility Criteria:

Finance companies assess the creditworthiness of the business’s customers rather than the business itself.

This makes commercial invoice finance accessible to businesses with limited credit history or those experiencing financial challenges.

Commercial invoice finance can be particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses that face cash flow constraints due to delayed customer payments.

It provides a flexible and efficient way to access working capital without taking on additional debt.

However, it is important for businesses to carefully consider the costs, terms, and impact on customer relationships before opting for commercial invoice finance.

Part of The Fiducia Group, leading providers of financial services solutions for more than 20-years and commercial finance solutions for 18-years. Allowing independent operators to provide commercial finance options to their existing client base and network under The Fiducia Network Ltd.'s FCA regulatory umbrella.